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T/CSTM 00006E-2019 烷基化异辛烷

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T/CSTM 00006E-2019标准状态

  1. 发布于:
  2. 实施于:
  3. *非实时更新以实际为准


内容简要 Thisdocumentspecifiesthetermsanddefinitions,requirements,testmethods,inspectionrulesandl…

T/CSTM 00006E-2019 烷基化异辛烷

主要起草人:Field Committee CSTM/FC05, Chemical materials.

起草单位:Field Committee CSTM/FC05, Chemical materials.

范围:This document specifies the terms and definitions, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and labels, labels, packaging, transportation and storage of alkylated isooctane products.This document is applicable to the preparation of alkylated isooctane from mixed carbon tetra by alkylation and refining under the action of acid catalyst.
